Principle Investigators
Associate Research Scientist, UCSD Center for Energy Research
Educator, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department
Visiting Professor, Applied and Engineering Physics, Cornell University
Visiting Scientist, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Ph.D. University of Sheffield, UK, 2004
M.Phys. University of Sheffield, UK, 1999
Click here for a brief biography and research interests.
Assistant Research Scientist, UCSD Center for Energy Research
Educator, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department
Ph.D. Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, 2011
B.Sc. Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, 2007
Click here for a brief biography and research interests.
Research Scientist Emeritus, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department
Ph.D. MIT, 1983
Click here for a brief biography and research interests.
Research Staff

Post-Doctoral Researcher, Center for Energy Research
Ph.D. 2023. Rochester Institute of Technology
Graduate Students
Noah Dilworth (MAE)

Ann Truong (ECE, Physics)

Dzafer Camdzic (Physics)

Undergraduate Students
Elise Rehder (MAE)
Undergraduate Laboratory Assistant

Sergio Veliz (Physics)
Undergraduate Laboratory Assistant
Former Group Members
Dr Sam Cordaro
Post-Doctoral Researcher, Fusion and Radiation Group
Sandia National Laboratories
Dr Jacob Banasek
Scientist in the Advanced Pulsed Power Capabilities Group,
Sandia National Laboratories
Dr Luis Sebastian Caballero Bendixsen
Research Scientist at First Light Fusion, Oxfordshire, UK